Church creatives are on the front lines.
And innovators are the "Force Multipliers" of the Kingdom.
Church creatives are “Force Multipliers” — a military term for “a factor or a combination of factors that gives personnel or weapons (or other hardware) the ability to accomplish greater feats than without it.” 1 Because we create, others are able to live with greater power and capacity.
One example: According to Ted Esler, author of the book, The Innovation Crisis, modern healthcare “owes its beginning to hospital systems launched by Christians,” originating in the third and fourth centuries.” Healing was the Church’s domain.
Truly disruptive innovation is an affront to Darkness. Why? Because innovation lifts burdens and creates breakthrough. Needs get met; the yoke gets easier for the heavy-laden. And the Enemy of our souls is offended.
Why it matters to church creatives
Your context is war.
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” — Ephesians 6:12
Innovation isn’t just about breaking ground; it’s about taking ground.
If you are an innovator, you’ve broken through Enemy lines to bring help. You’ve slayed Goliath, provided Manna from heaven, and ignited a burning bush for those waiting for God to show up. He did, because you did.
Final words: Consider yourself a target. Pray for covering. Find your shield-bearers. Push into the fray.
Take it further.
Get your own innovative “Spark Team.”
Wikipedia, “Force Multiplication”